From NSSF- Urge Sinema and Kelly to Oppose Chipman at ATF

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jls in az Member Member
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From NSSF- Urge Sinema and Kelly to Oppose Chipman at ATF


Post by jls in az »

Before getting to the NSSF press release, at least ask Kelly to recuse himself from voting on Chipman since he and Chipman are close friends and Chipman worked for Kelly and Kelly's owner- Bloomberg.

From the NSSF:

Critical Arizona Alert: Urge Sens. Kelly, Sinema To Oppose ATF Nominee Chipman
Take Action Today​

The U.S. Senate will soon hold a vote on President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), David Chipman. It is absolutely imperative that all freedom-loving Americans and especially members of the firearm and ammunition industry, including manufacturers, distributors, retailers and shooting range operators, contact U.S. Sens. Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema and urge them to vote “No” on Chipman’s nomination. This is a critical industry action request.

Industry members, and ALL supporters of the Second Amendment in Arizona, should immediately contact Sens. Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema and request that they reject David Chipman to lead the ATF.

Sen. Kelly’s Washington, D.C., office phone number is (202) 224-2235.
Sen. Sinema’s Washington, D.C., office phone number is (202) 224-4521.

If you are unable to make a phone call, please email your opposition to Chipman’s confirmation to both Sens. Kelly and Sinema by clicking here [/], then clicking on the “Take Action” button.

David Chipman is a paid gun control lobbyist. As more Americans than ever before are exercising their right to own a firearm, David Chipman has belittled the Second Amendment by mocking the more than 8.5 million new, first-time gun owners and has repeatedly advocated for the ban and confiscation of America’s most popular, legally-owned firearms. A vote by Sens. Kelly or Sinema to confirm Chipman as ATF Director is a vote to put a fox in charge of a henhouse, and it’s exactly what all the privately funded gun control groups want.

At the same time, not a single major law enforcement organization has come out in support of his nomination, while the National Sheriffs’ Association has expressly denounced him. Attorneys General from 21 U.S. states have signed a letter opposing this nominee and calling Chipman uniquely unfit to be ATF Director.

If confirmed, David Chipman will erode public trust in law enforcement, just like he will erode your Second Amendment rights. Do not risk your rights and contact BOTH Sens. Kelly and Sinema TODAY to tell them to vote NO on David Chipman!

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Re: From NSSF- Urge Sinema and Kelly to Oppose Chipman at ATF


Post by xerts1191 »

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Cubiclerevolt Member Member
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Re: From NSSF- Urge Sinema and Kelly to Oppose Chipman at ATF


Post by Cubiclerevolt »

Already did. You know how Kelly is going to vote so we will see. They feel empowered by the previous election.
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