GOA's Hammond: Trump strangely anti-gun

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GOA's Hammond: Trump strangely anti-gun


Post by smithers599 »

https://www.dailycaller.com/2019/06/13/ ... -anti-gun/
President Trump stands to lose voters in 2020 if his administration undermines the Second Amendment. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s happening. Consider the events of the last several weeks.
First, Attorney General William Barr announced the creation of a working group to consider ways to enforce the Lautenberg misdemeanor gun ban.

This 1996 ex post facto law was a major victory for gun control groups. It imposed a lifetime gun ban for a “crime” as minor as spanking your kid or spitting on your husband.
And one of the great, unintended consequences of the ban is that it disarmed many police officers — retroactively.
Now Barr can’t understand why the law we predicted would be ineffective has, in fact, been ineffective.
Secondly, additionally, at the request of the Justice Department, the Supreme Court turned down a petition to review whether suppressors are protected by the Second Amendment.

As a result of hearing damage suffered while I was in the Army, I have a shrill screeching in my ears 24 hours a day. That’s 3,600 seconds every hour, every day of my life. How ironic it is that people in the Trump administration consider this a small thing?
Also at the behest of the Trump administration, roughly 500,000 bump stock owners continue to be outlaws, while challenges to their ex post facto regulatory ban continue to drag on through the courts.
Lastly, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi loaded the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) reauthorization with reams of gun control — and Republicans may sign off on it.
Under section 801 and 802, everyone you’ve ever dated could bring a secret ex parte proceeding to strip you of your guns — and of your Fourth, Fifth and 14th Amendment rights as well.

With no due process whatsoever.
Now, we are being told that some Senate Republican offices would like to negotiate with Democrats — deleting some gun control provisions but keeping others.
And all of this happens while Donald Trump, in a public love-fest with Piers Morgan, publicly muses about how he could eliminate NFA-regulated suppressors.
These, incidentally, are already registered and subject to intense government background checks.
And — oh, yes — Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is still holding up the possibility of cutting a deal with anti-gun Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) to encourage the use of gun confiscation orders in all 50 states.
Click on link for full article.

With all the Democrats callling for Trump's impeachment, and indictment on criminal charges, does he think that none of them will bring a secret accusation that he is too unstable to own a gun, and his guns should be confiscated?

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Re: GOA's Hammond: Trump strangely anti-gun


Post by Super Trucker »

I honestly doubt he would care if "HIS" guns were confiscated. He employs how many people to protect him? Now with secret service doing it for free (to him) why would he care?
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Re: GOA's Hammond: Trump strangely anti-gun


Post by smithers599 »

His name is Chuck Canterbury, and he is the president of the anti-gun Fraternal Order of Police. Sadly, Canterbury has a long track record that should concern gun owners:
He’s testified before Congress to support anti-gunners like Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Attorney General Eric Holder.
Under his watch, the FOP backed Congressional measures to expand the unconstitutional and failing NICS system — which is the same system where 95% of the initial denials are false positives.
And on the state level, the FOP under his watch has supported Universal Background Checks and opposed Constitutional Carry.
I know, Trump is better than Hillary. (That's a low bar. Satan is better than Hillary. Charles Manson is better than Hillary.) But he has let us down several times in a row now, and we should be holding his feet to the fire. We can't let him get away with betraying us on red flag laws, suppressors, bump stocks, and the ATF appointment, just because Hillary would have been worse.
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Re: GOA's Hammond: Trump strangely anti-gun


Post by RandyTF »

We always vote for the lesser of evils. Do you want Sleepy Joe? Or any Democrat for that matter. Not me.
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Re: GOA's Hammond: Trump strangely anti-gun


Post by shooter444 »

RandyTF wrote: June 19th, 2019, 11:20 am We always vote for the lesser of evils. Do you want Sleepy Joe? Or any Democrat for that matter. Not me.
CORRECT! Only pie eyed ideologs expect their chosen political employee to walk on water. Funny part, is, Trump could have more of a chance of doing so, than any of his detractors,... imo.
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Re: GOA's Hammond: Trump strangely anti-gun


Post by Doc Holliday »

“Take the guns first, go through due process second” - Trump
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Re: GOA's Hammond: Trump strangely anti-gun


Post by xerts1191 »

Fake News
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Re: GOA's Hammond: Trump strangely anti-gun


Post by Crippledtrigger »

Trump the Bumbling Buffoon of Manhattan isnt strangely anything. He is exactly what we said he was. A raging NY capitalist who will not always default conservative.

He would not be as successful a supposed conservative as he is if the left hadn't spent every second trying to destroy him. If left alone he would have probably hung himself but his fight back nature has served him well as he does the opposite of those who are attacking him want him to do and that means hes responding even more conservatively. Being an accomplished troll on Twitter doesn't hurt either.

Americans hate hypocrisy and political correctness more than anything. I dont understand why the left doesnt get this. They think the 25 percent of their base who hollers like new born birds in a nest are examples of reality. They love people who fight back against such crap. It's partly why Reagan did so well and why Trumps doing good and frankly why Clinton was successful at times as president.

If they ever wise up and leave Trump alone we would be stuck with some Rudy Giuliani Arnold Schwarzenegger Donald Trump mish mash of arrogant capitalist nanny stater who is unsure internationally outside of deal making.

Trump is who we thought he was, not Hillary and that's enough. The bonus counterpuncher responding to the left is icing on the cake. Among as they keep attacking him he will be fine. But dont ever expect him to default to a conservative idea that isnt capitalism related. It's never who he was but at least he isnt a politician which means hes not a closed minded drone when all else fails.
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Re: GOA's Hammond: Trump strangely anti-gun


Post by Steve_In_29 »

Crippledtrigger wrote: June 30th, 2019, 3:52 pm Trump the Bumbling Buffoon of Manhattan isnt strangely anything. He is exactly what we said he was. A raging NY capitalist who will not always default conservative.

He would not be as successful a supposed conservative as he is if the left hadn't spent every second trying to destroy him. If left alone he would have probably hung himself but his fight back nature has served him well as he does the opposite of those who are attacking him want him to do and that means hes responding even more conservatively. Being an accomplished troll on Twitter doesn't hurt either.

Americans hate hypocrisy and political correctness more than anything. I dont understand why the left doesnt get this. They think the 25 percent of their base who hollers like new born birds in a nest are examples of reality. They love people who fight back against such crap. It's partly why Reagan did so well and why Trumps doing good and frankly why Clinton was successful at times as president.

If they ever wise up and leave Trump alone we would be stuck with some Rudy Giuliani Arnold Schwarzenegger Donald Trump mish mash of arrogant capitalist nanny stater who is unsure internationally outside of deal making.

Trump is who we thought he was, not Hillary and that's enough. The bonus counterpuncher responding to the left is icing on the cake. Among as they keep attacking him he will be fine. But dont ever expect him to default to a conservative idea that isnt capitalism related. It's never who he was but at least he isnt a politician which means hes not a closed minded drone when all else fails.
^^^^ This!!
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