7 PRC rifle build or 7mm Rem Mag?

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7 PRC rifle build or 7mm Rem Mag?


Post by leadman1 »

I have shot a T/C Encore in 7mm Rem Mag for years and a Rem 700 before that. I have been wanting to build a new rifle in 7 PRC but it probably too new to make that feasible. Brass, ammo, and dies are still difficult to come by and fairly expensive compared to 7mm Rem Mag. Another option I am considering
is to use a 1 in 8 twist barrel for the 7mm Rem magnum which I already load for. This would allow for use of the newer, heavier 7mm bullets.
Any thoughts on my project?

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Re: 7 PRC rifle build or 7mm Rem Mag?


Post by Lucafu1 »

I like it. My next build will be just that. (1:8 7mm mag). I already have a 6.5 PRC so I am not interested in the 7 PRC.
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Re: 7 PRC rifle build or 7mm Rem Mag?


Post by stomp442 »

What can you do with the 7PRC that you cant do with the 7 Mag? A standard 9 or 9.25 twist found in most factory rifles will shoot up to the 180gr class bullets no problem. In fact given our elevation in this state I have worked up several loads with the 195s in standard twist barrels. The 180 class however pushed with a near max load of Retumbo will give excellent performance from a standard 7 mag. 2900 fps plus is not uncommon with a 180 class bullet out of a 7 mag. The PRC will give you another 100-150fps more than that if you're lucky and whatever you shoot with it will never know the difference between the two.
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Re: 7 PRC rifle build or 7mm Rem Mag?


Post by Doc »

My 2¢

When everyone and their dog is fighting over components I go stand in the other line.

Sure I won’t be a “cool guy” but I’m okay with that.

When everyone started w the 6CM I was sitting happy with my 243Ackley.

I don’t think arguments like “brass life” matter. You might as well argue over paper plates that you can use twice.

Get the 7mm you REALLY want but don’t be surprised if you get to shoot one more than the other.
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Re: 7 PRC rifle build or 7mm Rem Mag?


Post by BigNate »

IMHO it boils down to two questions:
1) What's the purpose of the gun?
2) How much free cash do you have?

If you are planning to wring the very last ounce of performance out of a 7mm cartridge for shooting some ELR competition that requires a sub .30cal round (don't know if this even exists) and you have tons of free cash to go out bid folks for rare brass and cartridges in a constrained market... then the 7 PRC might be the right call.

For me - unless you have that "I must have the fastest of the fastest in 7mm for competition" driver, I don't know that the juice is worth the squeeze. When I look at the ballistics data, and consider the relative availability of cases and cartridges, I'd go with the 7mm rem mag. I'd think that building a 7mm rem mag on a 1:8 twist barrel and working on loads you can get very close to the 7PRC performance level with longer heavier bullets - and easier access to cases, dies, etc. means that you can shoot it more - then it's the winner (in my book anyway).

Just my 2 cents.
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Re: 7 PRC rifle build or 7mm Rem Mag?


Post by TheAccountant »

The problem with the 7mm mag and the newer bullets is case length. I would take whatever bullets you think you’ll want to use and set them so the bearing surface is just above the neck-shoulder junction of the case and see where you come out. My guess is you’ll wind up with an oal in excess of 3.5” with something like a Berger 175 EH or Nosler 175 ABLR. Some actions/bottom metal designs will handle that, others won’t. If your setup will handle it, then I would definitely keep those dummy rounds and give them to your gunsmith so he can throat accordingly.

Brass can be a pain to track down with a lot of the 7’a for whatever reason, but the reality is that 100 pieces of quality brass will likely last you the life of the barrel unless you’re really pushing it hard. They all generally use the same powders and bullets, so you’re not really “standing in the other line” for anything by going with a more antiquated cartridge. A 7 saum, 7 wsm, or even a 280ai may be good alternatives. The 280ai has factory brass from a couple different sources so you don’t have to fireform.
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Re: 7 PRC rifle build or 7mm Rem Mag?


Post by leadman1 »

I am going to stick with the 7mm RM for now. The throat in my Encore is getting worn so I will see if I can use the Tubb's kit to help this out. I got it for free so no cost there. My most used load has been a 150grain Nosler Ballistic Tip that chronographs between 3,250fps and 3,300fps using IMR 7828 from a metal can depending on ambient temperature. Barrel is 28" long. If the throat doesn't clean up I may just ream it out to 7mm Weatherby or 7mm-300WM. No issues with case length in a single shot break-open gun.
I did buy 150 empty Norma cases from Norma Shooting website. About $1 each and was a very good deal. Been picking up some different bullets to try in it.
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Re: 7 PRC rifle build or 7mm Rem Mag?


Post by condition_0ne »

If you're considering reaming the chamber maybe think about setting the barrel back and just rechambering for 7mag?
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Re: 7 PRC rifle build or 7mm Rem Mag?


Post by leadman1 »

Can't do that with an Encore single shot. The hinge pin block it welded to the barrel.

I have a Savage 110 that I have a 300 Wm barrel and a 7mm Rm barrel for I am putting together. If I don't like that I can rerchamber a 24" Encore barrel I have that is currently 7mm-08 to 7 RM.
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