Forum errors - moving to a new server w/more resources

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Forum errors - moving to a new server w/more resources


Post by admin »

Apologies - some of the more resource-intensive links and tools on this site are currently resulting in 500-level server errors. Looks like we're growing quickly enough that I under-estimated the hardware resources we'd need. I am in the process of moving the site to a new VPS, which shouldn't result in any real downtime and should be done within the next 24 hours. Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that some features won't work until I get this all moved (like "Active Topics" or "Unread Posts".


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Re: Forum errors - moving to a new server w/more resources


Post by mallic »

I posted this in another post, but if you ever need help with hosting, I can provide you space on my dedicated server out of Phoenix NAP. I don't currently have the setup to offer a full virtualization suite, but can offer as many SQL DBs as you need, full FTP access to your directories, and assistance configuring APACHE with any SSL certs you'd require. If you decided to take me up on this, I would be willing to sign a provider contract to ease and fears of data manipulation by myself as the hosting party.

Specs of the box:
2x 2.93Ghz x5560s (model number may be wrong, I can never remember)
32gbs of RAM (can be upgraded, I just haven't bothered due to cost)
Currently have a 500 GB SSD at sata3 speeds, but could theoretically upgrade to anything if more space is needed.

Current software I am using to host my own personal websites: APACHE. Can't remember the version off the top of my head, but MYSQL and PHP were updated by me a couple months ago for use with the newest version of MYBB for a gaming community that I host.
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