WTF Account all gone..? EDIT: Nope

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Re: WTF Account all gone..?


Post by admin »

Resort to name calling? Really? What; are you twelve? I tell ya - one thing hasn't changed in the 20+ years I've run web forums: entitled people that think they are owed something.

Despite me mentioning it twice previously, you still haven't sent ANY email from the email address that is actually associated with the "action magic" account, yet you somehow expect me to troubleshoot your computer/browser/network/software/email as if I owe you something...

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Re: WTF Account all gone..?


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Is it possible the action magic account was already hacked and emailed changed along with the credentials which is why things dont match up and cant log in?
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Re: WTF Account all gone..?


Post by Winmagbill »

This reads like a cautionary tale but for the modern age. I’m going to check my login email and clear my cache. Just in case.
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Re: WTF Account all gone..?


Post by admin »

rockbronco wrote: October 7th, 2024, 8:03 am Is it possible the action magic account was already hacked and emailed changed along with the credentials which is why things dont match up and cant log in?
Does not appear likely. Nor has he even said why or why not he hasn't tried to send an email from that email address. Hackers usually respond with something along the lines of "I forgot which email I used" or "I don't have access to that email address anymore".

The last time his account was successfully accessed (Fri Oct 04, 2024 7:55 am) was using the same IP as has been used to access his account multiple times prior (over a prolonged period of time) and is from a T-Mobile network. That doesn't point to his account having been successfully accessed by someone else to have email/PW changed.

Regardless, I am less willing to spend my time to help and assist someone (much less over a weekend) who wants to resort to name-calling and isn't willing to perform the one action to help verify who they are, even after asking 3 times to do it.

99% of the time, the "I forgot my password" link will fix a login issue. Most of the time, that email takes about 5 mins to arrive and is found in the mailbox spam or junk folder, but will get someone back into their account. Doesn't appear that he's done that, nor has he even addressed it in all of his posts here.

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Re: WTF Account all gone..? EDIT: Nope


Post by spiketoo »

Hey I don't wanna jump in where I don't belong (although I just did), but how long to you keep logs for? Not that I'm terribly concerned about my activity here but I'm just wondering if you have a need for such artifacts since you mentioned you verified his connectivity 'over a prolonged period of time'. Do you have issues that may require you to retain this data?

Honestly not trying to stir anything up but really just wondering...
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Re: WTF Account all gone..? EDIT: Nope


Post by admin »

spiketoo wrote: October 7th, 2024, 12:03 pm Hey I don't wanna jump in where I don't belong (although I just did), but how long to you keep logs for? Not that I'm terribly concerned about my activity here but I'm just wondering if you have a need for such artifacts since you mentioned you verified his connectivity 'over a prolonged period of time'. Do you have issues that may require you to retain this data?

Honestly not trying to stir anything up but really just wondering...
No different than any other web site out there. I can't prevent a web server from seeing your IP address, or the time you visited, or how long you were on it, etc. If you're concerned about that, you need to either use a VPN, or unplug your computer, because all sites tie a user to an IP.

As for IP's, the site keeps a log of which IP's are used by which username. That's done for several reasons, but most of all, it's so that if scammers or people who violate ToS and get banned, the IP's they use can be linked to them as well, otherwise they just re-register and keep causing trouble.

We require no information to use this site other than a valid email address. Anything else on the site is information YOU have provided willingly.

If you want to discuss internet privacy, you should make a different thread though.
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Re: WTF Account all gone..? EDIT: Nope


Post by SpitzKnots »

Let me try this again. I have used the only 2 accounts I have been using for quite some time. Action Magic Gunsmithing. Thus the action magic and amg. If there is another email account, color me surprised.
Now as to name calling. You wanna be a grown up then act like one. I have sent you 2 emails from action magic because that is what I have. Geebus, I sent you my login and password to try it yourself. So you could see what it is doing. Is it that hard?
Nevermind, I know the answer.
As far as Im concerned, I will just continue to use this account and go forward. :violin:
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Re: WTF Account all gone..? EDIT: Nope


Post by admin »

SpitzKnots wrote: October 7th, 2024, 1:32 pm Let me try this again. I have used the only 2 accounts I have been using for quite some time. Action Magic Gunsmithing. Thus the action magic and amg. If there is another email account, color me surprised.
Now as to name calling. You wanna be a grown up then act like one. I have sent you 2 emails from action magic because that is what I have. Geebus, I sent you my login and password to try it yourself. So you could see what it is doing. Is it that hard?
Nevermind, I know the answer.
As far as Im concerned, I will just continue to use this account and go forward. :violin:
What am I missing here? Is this bizarro-world? How have I not been acting like a grown-up? Was it when I asked if you were twelve? Find one thing I've said to you that's anything other than helpful or professional.

You're the one name-calling... and for what? ...for me offering help you here? You've been demanding, rude and condescending - and I have no idea why. You still have not done the ONE SIMPLE THING I've mentioned three times now in this thread. Here's the fourth time though and I'll make it direct: Email me using the email address that is tied to the "action magic" account you're trying to get access to. That's it! That's all you need to do!

You suggest that you only use two email accounts? Great. How would I know if you use 2, 10 or 50? Further, why would I care? All I care about is the one that is registered to the account you want to access - I don't care how many other email addresses you use or have - there's only one that matters in your situation and you haven't used it to send anything to me.

I also don't pick the email address you use to register your account. The only stipulation is that it has to be a real one, otherwise you can't activate the account. Obviously, you did that at some point in 2018 when you created the account, so the email address you used is a real, valid email.

On your messages to me:

You sent me an email on Saturday, Oct 5, at 10:07 AM using an email address that was not registered to any user on the forum, asking about gaining access to a specific user account on the forum. For future reference, 100% of the time, such emails are ignored. That should be very apparent as to why. If not, that's a common tactic used by hackers to gain access to any account, whether it's a forum account, paypal, email, etc.

You also sent a PM to me the night before - Friday night - and within minutes of that, you created this topic on the forum. When I got around to checking my email and the forum on Saturday night, I saw all three messages from you and I responded right then to your public post, as that made the most sense. Not sure why you felt the need to send a PM, make a public post and email me. Impatience? Did you expect me to get back to you in less than 24 hours on a weekend? If so, why?

So back to my initial question here: What am I missing?
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Re: WTF Account all gone..? EDIT: Nope


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