Need help finding an FFL near Tucson willing to work with a non-immigrant alien!

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Re: Need help finding an FFL near Tucson willing to work with a non-immigrant alien!


Post by pcmacd »

MarkItZero wrote: September 1st, 2023, 8:37 pm I wouldn't touch this one if I was an FFL either.

Especially if you're utilizing a hunting license but trying to buy a gun not typically used for hunting.
"not typically used for hunting...." Ahem. This has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

I just sold two handguns to a non-immigrant alien, dotting all the "I"s and crossint the "T"s.

You need a hunting license from any state.

You need your I-94 immigrant number.
  • They give you a receipt at the border w/o the number; you have to go online with your receipt to find the 11 digit number. Poke around, not hard to find out how.

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Re: Need help finding an FFL near Tucson willing to work with a non-immigrant alien!


Post by cool arrow »

nice try, FEDBOI....not this time.
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Re: Need help finding an FFL near Tucson willing to work with a non-immigrant alien!


Post by BigNate »

OK - my take...
1) I'm not a lawyer, and it's been a long time since I stayed at a holiday in express... this is all opinion - so take this with a grain of salt...

2) I'll agree with a bunch of the other folks who have suggested that the problem that you are having in finding an FFL to work with you on this probably is a combination of the fact that this is an edge case that does not come up often, and even if legal, given the current state of the executive branch and the current actions of the ATF, they are afraid of making an honest mistake in the paperwork and ending up in a fight for their license. That fight could literally destroy their business and livelihood if the ATF decides that they want to pull their license. There are stories out there of the ATF pulling an FFL's license over a single administrative mistake in a form. True or not, that has to be in the mind of the FFL holder, and would absolutely have a chilling effect on wanting to take on a sale that requires them to operate in an unfamiliar area. The money made on a single sale is hardly worth the cost of fighting to retain their license if they make an unintentional administrative error associated with a "legal but weird" sale. My guess is that 4 years ago you would not be having a hard time finding an FFL to legally sell you a rifle - but that was 4 years ago - before the changing political winds changed the ATFs approach to managing FFLs.

3) <on this one - consult your lawyer - consult your lawyer - consult your lawyer - consult your lawyer> In the US, and particularly in AZ, there is literally zero paperwork associated with the sale of a weapon between private parties. I know that you are worried about "appearances" with INS - but there is no "appearance" of any kind associated with a private party purchase. In fact, unless they ask you if you legally bought a gun from a private party - or you have some other interaction with law enforcement that causes there to be paper trail around the weapon - I can't see how they would have any information about your ownership. <on this one - consult your lawyer - consult your lawyer - consult your lawyer - consult your lawyer>

4) Given the somewhat edge case that you are in - I'd say that the smartest choice for you to make would be to either borrow a gun for the hunt, or buy a weapon that is specifically associated with the norms for whatever hunt you are planning. Can you hunt deer with an AR-10? Absolutely. Is it the "norm" for most deer hunters? Nope. Is there any value in being a person who is trying to prove that point given your edge case? Nope. Assuming that your purpose in buying the rifle is to complete your hunt - buy something that meets the need and that is easy to defend as a purchase for the hunt. If you are worried about it impacting your naturalization process - don't pick a fight that you don't need to pick. It would be really nice if you didn't have to worry about this - but given the state of the administration, I'd say it is prudent to not "poke the bear" if your priority is on becoming a citizen more than on owning a particular gun.

5) If you do buy or borrow a gun - keep your documentation handy. Should you have to do this? No. Could it make life simpler for you if you run into a local LEO who is not familiar with the hunting license exception? Yep.

Just my 2 cents...
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Re: Need help finding an FFL near Tucson willing to work with a non-immigrant alien!


Post by Suck My Glock »

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Re: Need help finding an FFL near Tucson willing to work with a non-immigrant alien!


Post by OMart »

pneuby wrote: August 30th, 2023, 4:00 am Thee best shop in Tucson, IMHO, is Murphy's. Try them first. There's some experienced old-timers there.
Meh, been going on and out of Murphy's for over 20 years, can never get helped in there so I haven't been back in 10. Miss the old Jensen's on Pima. The people at SNG Tactical are great.

Maybe try John at John's Guns on Camino Seco and see if he wants your business.
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