Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...

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shooter444 Member Member
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Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


Post by shooter444 »

Just listened to a OAN reporter quoting President Trump, saying,... OUR RIGHTS COME FROM OUR CREATOR,... NOT FROM GOVERNMENT.

Well, gentlemen, his position on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms can't get anymore clear than that!!!

That one statement should open the door for TRUE CONSTITUTIONALISTS coming forward and debunking the Demonscat propaganda about CREATOR ENDOWED UNALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS they have lied about for the past 50 years,... with TRUTH and AUTHORITY!!!

Ahhh, President Trump,.... got'ta luv him!!! :clap:

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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


Post by Doc Holliday »

'Our Rights came from the Creator'

...says WHOM? Not the 'Creator', that's for sure...been a long time since 'He' spoke to gets murky really quick when someone says 'God gave me/us the RIGHT''s really quite impossible to prove, isn't it? The whole Spanish Inquisition and Crusades and countless wars were fought over people thinking God 'gave them the Right'...

(just playing the Devils advocate here)
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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


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Well, right back at ya,... it's kind hard to disprove, as well!!! :whistle:

Primary to this whole topic is,... these United States were founded on our forefathers declaration that,...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

...,now, whether you believe the above or not, this is fact!

Now, anyone who has a problem with the concept of a CREATOR, and doesn't want to accept the very essence that this Nation's existence is based upon,... realize this,... you have your Creator Endowed Unalienable Constitution protected Right to state such, and, your Constitutionally protected Creator Endowed Unalienable Right to go to, any less God fearing country, of your choice.

These are just a couple of the wonderful,... Constitutionally protected,... Creator Endowed,... Unalienable,... Human Rights,... we cherish and enjoy within the borders of the finest country ever established on earth!!!

And,.... no,... I am not playing devils advocate,... just stating my opinion.
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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


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(again, just to discuss) it. So the bunch of guys that founded this country SAID their Rights came from the 'Creator'...well...I guess we will just have to take their word for it and believe them. I wonder if there was a burning bush or something similar when the 'Creator' spoke to them about the Rights that He was bestowing upon them. Now, as far as telling people to 'get out' of the country if they don't agree...that doesn't sound too tolerant and accepting...certainly there is room here for others with a different opinion...after all, those same guys said all men were created equal...this IS America...after all, we accept everyone, right? :)

Just wondering...for those who don't believe in a 'Creator', do they still have the same Rights?
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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


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Doc Holliday wrote: September 23rd, 2019, 3:42 pm (again, just to discuss) it. So the bunch of guys that founded this country SAID their Rights came from the 'Creator'...well...I guess we will just have to take their word for it and believe them.

Ummm, actually, no, not quite,... they were relating how EVERYONE'S RIGHTS come from the Creator. That Declaration eliminates the expected "human condition", AKA, individual human political power, from claiming MAN or GOVERNMENT gave us our Rights,... and, by declaring such, it definitively eliminates those seeking power over others, via LEGISLATING our RIGHTS AWAY, or, as our founding fathers proved, eliminating political power mongers from INFRINGING on our RIGHTS!!!

I wonder if there was a burning bush or something similar when the 'Creator' spoke to them about the Rights that He was bestowing upon them. Now, as far as telling people to 'get out' of the country if they don't agree...

Well, firstly, I/as in me,.... said,... "your Constitutionally protected Creator Endowed Unalienable Right to go to, any less God fearing country, of your choice."

You may transpose that into telling people to get out, if you wish, but, I believe you are exaggerating your position due to lack of facts and substance.

that doesn't sound too tolerant and accepting...

I'm sorry, I can tolerate a little exaggerating from a debater on shaky ground,... but, outright fantasy creations,.... nah, that's just going too far. :naughty:

Where did you get the fantasy idea about "tolerant and accepting" ?

NOT from ME!!! 8-) But, since you brought it up,... the only expression of tolerance and acceptance I want to see, is from immigrants coming here, tolerating our established way of life and accepting our Constitution as the LAW of the LAND!!! 8-)

certainly there is room here for others with a different opinion...after all, those same guys said all men were created equal...this IS America...after all, we accept everyone, right? :)

Again, just a continuance of a fantasy creation,... on the entire planet, this is the ONLY NATION where ALL MEN ARE EQUAL ( until their personal choices prove otherwise ) and invited to leave if that is not their cup of tea, rather than cut their heads off, enslave them with a fee, or, force them under penalty of death to change their religious belief,... everyone here has FREE CHOICE,... stay or go.

Just wondering...for those who don't believe in a 'Creator', do they still have the same Rights?

ABSOLUTELY, I have stated so a multitude of times !!!

Out for chores, later :clap: !
Last edited by shooter444 on September 29th, 2019, 6:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


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The Godless Liberal Left doesn't exactly believe in a 'Creator', so they just casually dismiss those 'Rights'.
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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


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Doc Holliday wrote: September 23rd, 2019, 6:30 pm The Godless Liberal Left doesn't exactly believe in a 'Creator', so they just casually dismiss those 'Rights'.

Well, not quite in my book!

They are all into RIGHTS,... for them,... they just seem to have a hard time with the concept of sharing, that's all. :dance:
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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


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The words liberal and hypocrite mean exactly the same thing today.
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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


Post by GunNut »

Point - Counter Point

If the Creator is non-existent (as in the written Constitution) then clearly the Liberals have it correct and NO ONE has any rights at all
When they say turn in your firearms there should be no issue or discussion as you have no fukinc rights of any kind to stand on so you have no say nor right to speak of

Man's word - who cares? you have no rights it can be changed on a whim
Constitution? again man's word - who cares? you have no rights, changes on a whim

Either turn in your guns and bow down when they say so

OR One can stand by an understanding that a person has some form of written rights as stated in the Constitution and a Creator that gave them as it was written back in 1776

Either man has rights or they have none
Pick a side or stand down and die
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shooter444 Member Member
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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


Post by shooter444 »

GunNut wrote: September 24th, 2019, 12:29 am Point - Counter Point

If the Creator is non-existent (as in the written Constitution) then clearly the Liberals have it correct and NO ONE has any rights at all
When they say turn in your firearms there should be no issue or discussion as you have no fukinc rights of any kind to stand on so you have no say nor right to speak of

Man's word - who cares? you have no rights it can be changed on a whim
Constitution? again man's word - who cares? you have no rights, changes on a whim

Either turn in your guns and bow down when they say so

OR One can stand by an understanding that a person has some form of written rights as stated in the Constitution and a Creator that gave them as it was written back in 1776

Either man has rights or they have none
Pick a side or stand down and die

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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


Post by Steve_In_29 »

Whether you think it was God, space aliens or some blob of algae...the point is it wasn't other men who gave you those rights.
Last edited by Steve_In_29 on September 24th, 2019, 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


Post by Solar_Empire »

shooter444 wrote: September 23rd, 2019, 11:33 am Just listened to a OAN reporter quoting President Trump, saying,... OUR RIGHTS COME FROM OUR CREATOR,... NOT FROM GOVERNMENT.

Well, gentlemen, his position on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms can't get anymore clear than that!!!

That one statement should open the door for TRUE CONSTITUTIONALISTS coming forward and debunking the Demonscat propaganda about CREATOR ENDOWED UNALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS they have lied about for the past 50 years,... with TRUTH and AUTHORITY!!!

Ahhh, President Trump,.... got'ta luv him!!! :clap:
Yeah....take the guns first, due process later. Sounds like someone who loves our rights.

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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


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OK, first, as I have tried to relate,... there have been over 100 ANTI GUN BILLS brought up by the Demonscats in the past year.


And, as I have seen in the past, President Trump says a whole lot of things, talk is cheap and he spends his share,... but HIS ACTIONS are what counts, sit back, take a deep breathe, and let's seem what he will do,....IF ANY OF THESE BILLS GET TO HIS DESK, OR, GO INTO THE ROUND FILE LIKE THE 100 BILLS, BEFORE THEM!!!
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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


Post by Crippledtrigger »

Trump is not a conservative, hes a raging capitalist and that parallels conservative ideals in many ways but he will not default to conservative viewpoint unless counter punching the left. If left alone he steps on his dick quite regularly and would have hung himself by now.

Dont ever trust him to do the right thing from our viewpoint.

I grateful for the lefts constant attacks on him. It both hurts the left and forces trump to respond in a way that they cant stand which is win win for us.

Oh, and hes the single greatest justice and judge nominator of the last hundred years.

But he is not a conservative in the traditional sense.
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Re: Creator Endowed Unalienable Rights,...


Post by Steve_In_29 »

Crippledtrigger wrote: September 24th, 2019, 10:21 am Trump is not a conservative, hes a raging capitalist and that parallels conservative ideals in many ways but he will not default to conservative viewpoint unless counter punching the left. If left alone he steps on his dick quite regularly and would have hung himself by now.

Dont ever trust him to do the right thing from our viewpoint.

I grateful for the lefts constant attacks on him. It both hurts the left and forces trump to respond in a way that they cant stand which is win win for us.

Oh, and hes the single greatest justice and judge nominator of the last hundred years.

But he is not a conservative in the traditional sense.
^^^^ Exactly!!! Trump grew up as a NYC Democrat.

If the Left would just leave him alone he would be much more to their liking. But they are too stupid to see that.
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