The acrtic blast in Texas has killed many crops - food prices will rise

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xerts1191 Member Member
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Re: The acrtic blast in Texas has killed many crops - food prices will rise


Post by xerts1191 »

GENERAC is fixing to make a fortune

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Suck My Glock Member Member
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Re: The acrtic blast in Texas has killed many crops - food prices will rise


Post by Suck My Glock »

I'm normally not totally heartless (no, really), but I gotta say,...after a year of Covid shortages and schit, does ANYBODY not keep at least a case or two of bottled water around now? I mean, I thought everyone finally realized we preppers are actually sane and rational and had some valid points. I realize this weather is very unusual for Texas (as it would be here in the Phoenix area), but it HAS happened before.

I can have sympathy for the burst pipes and the electricity outages and service disruptions of all kinds. But when I read about people having walk 10 miles in search water,...I'm having a hard time having any pity.
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Pale Rider Member Member
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Re: The acrtic blast in Texas has killed many crops - food prices will rise


Post by Pale Rider »

You should absolutely not have pity for people that don't make ANY prepping choices. They are the same morons that rely on .gov for everything, including their own safety, vote for libtards, say things like (why do you need a gun, just call the police), and want people like us disarmed. If they die of thirst the first week, it's called natural selection.
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