Medical care and self-treatment - HEADS UP

Discuss being prepared for contingencies and emergencies. Oh yeah, and the coming Zombie Apocalypse, of course!
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Re: Medical care and self-treatment - HEADS UP


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So American Medical Response (AMR) just notfifed their employees that a vaccine mandate and deadline will occur....welcome to non-911 calls when 1/3 of the employees are fired......

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Re: Medical care and self-treatment - HEADS UP


Post by Flash »

Miker12 wrote: September 8th, 2021, 7:53 pm The news is already pushing booster shots as the answer....Israel is just starting their 4th series
Their 4th series of what? Covid variants? Boosters?
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Re: Medical care and self-treatment - HEADS UP


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Flash Member Member
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Re: Medical care and self-treatment - HEADS UP


Post by Flash »

Okay, so they're not starting their 4th series.

Here's what's really happening. People got the first two shots, and that's 1 series.

Then they offered a booster, which would be the 2nd series.

And the article says that people need to prepare for a 3rd series, the 2nd booster, but it's not there yet.
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Re: Medical care and self-treatment - HEADS UP


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When you have to wait all day just to be seen in an ER, thank the mandate.
When you can’t find an OB unit and have to deliver your baby in your small town hospital with little resources, thank the mandate.
When your family member is having a heart attack and they sit in the ER with no bed available or transport to get them to a cardiac facility, thank the mandate.
When your grandma gets bed sores because there is no staff to turn her or to provide proper incontience care, thank the mandate.
When your aunt who needs chemo treatments and can’t find a home health nurse to hook her up and take her down weekly and has no transportation to drive the hour plus to the chemo center, thank the mandate.
When you call 911 and there is barely one or two ambulances able to respond due to staff shortages, thank the mandate.
I could go on all day about the way healthcare is going to be changing with the mandate deadlines approaching and unless you are in healthcare you probably don’t really realize how scary it’s getting. Not to mention how burnt out the healthcare professionals still standing are going to get. Eliminating units/beds and limiting services is the only way for places to cope with the loss of so many healthcare professionals.
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Re: Medical care and self-treatment - HEADS UP


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This whole thing is just a big trainwreck.
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Re: Medical care and self-treatment - HEADS UP


Post by Suck My Glock »

Just like gun control ain't about guns, it's about CONTROL;...this whole government response ain't got nuthin' to do with your welfare or saving a single life. They've never given a flying vuck about you or anyone else besides themselves, and they never vucking will.

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Re: Medical care and self-treatment - HEADS UP


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911 systems in danger of collapsing as first responder shortages further complicated by opposition to COVID vaccines

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 by: JD Heyes

For a year, Americans hailed their first responders — firefighters, police and EMS personnel — as well as frontline doctors, nurses and healthcare staff as they fought to keep us safe and healthy amid a fast-spreading COVID-19 pandemic.

These people did their work like they always have: Selflessly, bravely and, in the case of street personnel, for substandard pay…and all without a COVID vaccine.

Now that vaccines are available, however, not all of these first responders are keen to get the jab. They have varied reasons for not wanting to do so; some have religious objections, while others are not heavy into injecting a substance into their bodies that until about 15 minutes ago was still experimental. Others say they don’t need a COVID-19 vaccine because they have had the virus and they now have natural immunity.

But none of those reasons are valid according to the vaccine Nazis running corporate health conglomerates and city governments, most all of whom are Democrats. Now that vaccines are available, even though they’re not always safe or effective, they are mandating their employees get a jab or else they will be out of a job.

Mind you, again, these are the same individuals we all held up as heroes not long ago, just a few months it seems; and now we have authoritarians wanting to fire them if they don’t comply with a vaccine mandate.

That has led to a growing resistance movement within public service and health as well as within other sectors of frontline responders, and if they don’t get their way, we’re liable to find that communities will suddenly become short thousands of police, fire and paramedic staff, leaving 911 dispatchers with fewer people to send to emergencies.

Case in point: More than 500 Los Angeles Fire Department personnel are planning to file suit against the city over its mandate, hundreds more threaten to quit, leaving the LAFD without a quarter of its force overnight.

According to ABC7:

Court papers have been filed on behalf of hundreds of Los Angeles Fire Department firefighters who want a judge to set aside the city’s COVID-19 vaccine requirement.

The still-unofficial Los Angeles Superior Court lawsuit was brought on behalf of 529 firefighters who are members of the nonprofit Firefighters4Freedom Foundation. They seek a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction prohibiting the city from demanding that firefighters receive a COVID-19 shot as a condition of continued employment.

“As will be shown at the time of trial and during preliminary hearings, the city does not have the constitutional authority to force anyone to take an experimental vaccine against his or her will without considering, and granting where possible, reasonable accommodations for those who (choose) not to take the vaccine,” say plaintiffs’ court papers.

“There is no basis for the city’s rushed and ill-conceived mandate,” the firefighters’ court papers state.

“The firefighters are seeking a temporary restraining order to block the city’s vaccine mandate from going into effect ‘until a preliminary injunction hearing in this matter and further order of this Court,’ the foundation’s attorneys wrote in a copy of the filing provided by Kevin McBride, one of the attorneys representing the firefighters,” KTLA reported last month.

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of the late senator and presidential candidate and a prominent anti-vaccine activist, is also listed as an attorney for the firefighters, pending approval to represent clients in California on this case alone,” the outlet added, noting that the well-known vaccine freedom advocate has a history of pushing back against mandates.

To top this off, police departments around the county were already short-handed and having trouble recruiting new officers because of the “defund police” movement and the fact that too many cities feature left-wing Marxist ‘prosecutors’ elected with George Soros money who won’t prosecute criminals.

Also, there is a “crippling labor shortage” in EMS at the moment that had been worsening for years but is now at critical mass.

All of which spells ‘collapse’ big time in emergency services. ... cines.html#
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