Defense lawyers challenge gun restriction for felons in light of Supreme Court ruling

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Re: Defense lawyers challenge gun restriction for felons in light of Supreme Court ruling


Post by smithers599 »

Here's the part that confuses me: A violent felon gets convicted of murdering somebody with a machete, or a baseball bat. He serves his sentence, then gets released back into society. He may not own a gun, but he can own all the machetes and baseball bats he wants. Huh?

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Re: Defense lawyers challenge gun restriction for felons in light of Supreme Court ruling


Post by Boriqua »

Ballistic Therapy wrote: January 12th, 2023, 5:40 am
Boriqua wrote: January 11th, 2023, 10:29 am Fuk em. Most felons are not serving half their sentence. Jails are over crowded, plea bargains are made because courts are over crowded. Rehabilitation is a farce, its gladiator school and nothing more. Saying that "if a person is to dangerous to own a gun they are to dangerous to be released is just not reality. Have to make more room for the next set of bad guys. There should be permanent penalties from society for being a cancer. Having your rights revoked isnt enough. Should be forced to wear a scarlet "F" so everyone knows your a piece of $hit.
So you are saying that anyone that has been convicted of a felony is a piece of s*** ?
Kind of ride a high horse don't you ?

I personally know more than one person that has been convicted of a felony that I would trust with anything that is mine.

We would all be felons if we were caught for everything we ever did.
Everyone's experience is different I suppose but I personally have known to many felons that upon release went right back to being pieces of $hit. My mother did a favor for one and gave him a place to stay for a bit and he robbed her blind one day when she was at work. Personally have known at least ten that just couldn't stay out of jail. I don't have stats but I am willing to bet more of them swing that way than become loyal friends and good citizens.
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Re: Defense lawyers challenge gun restriction for felons in light of Supreme Court ruling


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Sounds to me like you need to find a different group of people to hang around .
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Re: Defense lawyers challenge gun restriction for felons in light of Supreme Court ruling


Post by Boriqua »

Ballistic Therapy wrote: January 12th, 2023, 8:43 am Sounds to me like you need to find a different group of people to hang around .
I'm old .. I dont hang out with anyone but my wife but .. I did grow up in an inner city housing project and ... well ... stuff happens and even if they are not "friends" you find people there one day and gone the next and get the story. I personally have never met a felon that didnt go back to jail at least once.
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Re: Defense lawyers challenge gun restriction for felons in light of Supreme Court ruling


Post by TheAccountant »

The recidivism rates support Boriqua’s point. In AZ about 45% return to prison in 3 years. Who knows how many crimes that individual committed without being caught - case clearance rates would indicate quite a few. There’s a process a person can follow to have their rights restored if they fall on the right side of the statistics.

It makes no sense that we can’t have laws that prohibit handing a felon a pistol as he walks out of prison but can have laws that make me jump through hoops and pay a fee to shorten a barrel.
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Re: Defense lawyers challenge gun restriction for felons in light of Supreme Court ruling


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If you want a gun you can get one, felon or no. If you can't be trusted with a firearm you shouldn't be trusted amongst the public unsupervised.
A free man deserves the right to protect himself/his family, simple possession of the best tool for that job shouldn't be a crime.
But that's just my opinion and we all know what those are worth lol.
Besides we're all one pen stroke away from waking up a felon one day and it seems pretty intentional.
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Re: Defense lawyers challenge gun restriction for felons in light of Supreme Court ruling


Post by Suck My Glock »

TheAccountant wrote: January 12th, 2023, 4:29 am

Ah, the ol’ “trust me I saw this once” source. Considering he’s an adjunct scholar at Cato, been a guest speaker at Cato, been on their podcast, contributed content to Cato, and Cato covered the release of his book in 2009 with zero mention of any previous “pamphlet” published by Cato with similar ideas, I highly doubt he stole anything from them, but instead is likely the source of the tagline you like to repeat but have never bothered to actually research or understand.
I noticed your first query had a hostile tone to it, which I kind of ignored. Mostly because it was possible I was mistakenly assigning malice to your response that wasn't there. So I simply answered to the best of my memory. (Sorry, but I'm not in the habit of preserving samples of everything I read for 30 years in the off chance someone on the internet calls bullschit decades later.) I realize in your vocation everyone you meet is lying. But out here in the rest of the world, the ratio isn't that high. Could I be mistaken in my memory? Of course I could. But what I explained to you is what I recall. Whether you believe I'm lying or not is slightly irritating and ultimately doesn't mean anything. But I do wonder about the origin of your initial hostile attitude. Is it the work of the author Silverglate that has your panties in a bunch, or have I previously imade an enemy of you and this was just an opportunity to unleash your superiority complex in my direction?

I'm actually genuinely curious about that. I'm cool with whichever it is,...just let me know.
Last edited by Suck My Glock on January 12th, 2023, 9:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Defense lawyers challenge gun restriction for felons in light of Supreme Court ruling


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Re: Defense lawyers challenge gun restriction for felons in light of Supreme Court ruling


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Wood Chipper for all
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