Anyone know where to find a threaded bbl for a Beretta Mod. 86 (Girsan MC14T)?

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Suck My Glock Member Member
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Anyone know where to find a threaded bbl for a Beretta Mod. 86 (Girsan MC14T)?


Post by Suck My Glock »

Looking to see if anyone anywhere makes a replacement threaded barrel unit for the tip-up barrel .380 Beretta Model 86 or its Turkish clone, the Girsan MC14T.

I have a female in the family who has historically been averse to putting in time to learn some skill with a handgun. She's not ideologically opposed to it,...but in typical female fashion, she just really really hates the noise. I got her slightly more excited about a .22lr S&W M&P Compact with a small light suppressor on it. She actually enjoys that. And it is certainly better than nothing when it comes to having some sort of defensive pistol around the house. But I really really want to provide her with something a bit more effective and capable, while still being suppressable and not requiring a lot of strength to operate slides and such.

I might ultimately go with the current .32acp Bobcat that Beretta offers these days with a threaded tip-up barrel from the factory. But it would be much more awesome if they offered that in the Cheetah model 86,...or if Girsan had that option for their Model 86 clone.

But I've looked everywhere on the internet, and I just can't find that such a thing exists. And I don't know why. To me, it seems like the perfect marketable lady's pistol. Give it pink grips and a chrome-like finish;...I think that thing would sell well.
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