3 black men suing DC over not issuing CCW permits because of (among other things) racism

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Suck My Glock
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3 black men suing DC over not issuing CCW permits because of (among other things) racism


Post by Suck My Glock »

Were you present when your father beat your mom as a child? NO PERMIT FOR YOU!!

https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va ... imination/

When D.C. security guard Sanu Millard turned 21, he decided he wanted a concealed-carry license. He carried guns at work in the District, Maryland and Virginia. He had been trained to use guns safely as a teenager and had legally registered two weapons. He had no criminal record. And, as the Supreme Court interprets the Second Amendment, carrying a gun is his right as an American citizen.

But when Millard tried to get a concealed-carry license from D.C. police in 2019, his request was denied. Even though he had never been arrested, police said his involvement in domestic violence incidents — incidents in which, he says, he and his mother were victims — disqualified him.

Now 24, Millard has sued the District, alleging that it discriminates against some people by denying them concealed-carry licenses — and that many of these people are Black men. The lawsuit said D.C. police unreasonably refused licenses to those with minor criminal convictions and arrests with no convictions, sometimes unfairly using their involvement in violent incidents against them.

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