M1-A3 - What could possibly go wrong?

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M1-A3 - What could possibly go wrong?


Post by AZHTfreak »

I predict many blue screens of death in its future. Ctrl/alt/del required at the worst possible time.

Seems like 10 lbs in a 5 lb bag. Feel free to explain as if you"re speaking to a small child or golden retriever...

M1-E3 Abrams Tank has a long list of new capabilities that will bring the American military new firepower. Produced in Ohio at the lima plant it will now including: an autoloader, new main gun; new turret; hypersonic gun launched missiles that maneuver in mid air; the ability to pair with robots; masking capabilities to reduce thermal and electromagnetic signatures. AI systems that detect incoming fire and prioritize return fire. Hybrid electric drive; Reduction of crew from 4 to 3, reduction in weight from 75 tons to sub 60 tons.

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