Annual banquet tickets on sale now - The Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL) is an IRC 501(c)(4) non-profit, all volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to the principles contained in Article II, Section 2 of the Arizona Constitution that "All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights." The rights of self-defense and bearing arms are the foundation for all other rights. Our freedom of speech, our freedom from unreasonable searches, our rights against self-incrimination, our right to bear arms, all of our fundamental rights only exist because we stand firmly resolved to preserve them. The AzCDL exists to strengthen that resolve.
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Re: Annual banquet tickets on sale now


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My first one, had a good time with some great folks (thanks Ric for the table). I found the attorney to be a real snoozer and wasn't even sure he was pro-gun. The rest went well, but suddenly the place was half empty. Even though I picked up a dozen abandoned raffle tickets I still didn't win.

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smithers599 Member Member
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Re: Annual banquet tickets on sale now


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Side note: It was an open carry event. To my surprise, the gun I saw most was the 1911. I expected to see more plastic guns. Saw one woman with a Ruger SR9 -- a greatly underrated gun, IMO. And, as always, a few with Bersas in Uncle Mike's holsters flopping around on the belt. Whatever, we're all on the same time.

Which reminds me, speaking of the lawyer (Marc Victor) -- he gave the standard Libertarian Party "Non-Aggression Principle" speech. It's not that persuasive a speech -- full of holes. For example, he said, "I think every reasonable person would agree that if you are going to have a powerful piece of machinery that can kill people, you should have to demonstrate a certain level of competence." I sort of think I am a reasonable person, and I disagree. When something is a "right," there should be no required showing of competence. For example, raising a child is a pretty serious responsibility. Yet, we do not require classes or testing before getting government permission to get married or have a baby. We do not require proof of competency before being permitted to vote. Why not? Because competency tests invariably get misused by the government to "infringe." To keep black Americans from voting, they just made the competency tests impossible to pass. To keep black Americans from keeping and bearing arms, they came up with a "permit" system. It still goes on today -- to discourage all Americans from keeping and bearing arms, some jurisdictions require many hours of "training" and very difficult qualification tests. If you really love freedom, as Victor professed, then you say "All the people have the rights to keep and bear arms -- even people who carry Bersas in Uncle Mike's holsters."

What about the "rapper"? Did he speak? What did he have to say?
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Re: Annual banquet tickets on sale now


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He was the best speaker of the day for me. He did get into race, but very enlightening. Based mostly on the importance of not letting rights erode a little at a time. He was heavy into recruitment and educating those folks who have never touched a firearm. And his t-shirt said "BLACK GUNS MATTER".
Last edited by AZ Husker on October 21st, 2018, 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Annual banquet tickets on sale now


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He was the best speaker for me also. It's a shame he didn't talk longer as I was enjoying it.
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Re: Annual banquet tickets on sale now


Post by smithers599 »

Any chance the presentations were recorded either audio or video?

Good news. I just learned that Charles Heller recorded everything, and that the recordings will be put up on the AzDCL website as soon as he can get them ready. I'm really looking forward to hearing what I missed.
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Re: Annual banquet audio up now


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