Attaching pictures to posts on this site

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Attaching pictures to posts on this site


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I just wanted to make sure people are aware that you have always been able to attach pictures to posts on this site. You can upload them to this web site and attach them to your post using the "Attachments" tab below the posts's "Submit" button.

Screen Shot 2021-03-03 at 7.46.54 AM.jpg

Early on, I didn't restrict the size because site popularity was low and I didn't think it'd add up very fast. Well, as site popularity has grown and people posting more things, it seems that most people just take 12 megapixel pics and don't bother to resize, so it very quickly ate into my server space.

Bottom line: No one needs a 12 MB, 5480x3648 raw picture of your Glock that's for sale! If your picture is big enough to count the stiples on your 1911's grip, that's a hint that you should consider resizing! Resize the pics to normal, reasonable web-site-appropriate sizes and then you can attach them to the site to upload and use on your posts or ads. If the site allowed those crazy sizes, page load times would change drastically and I'd be spending crazy amounts on constantly increasing storage on the servers. A good size for images on web sites is 1024, 1280 or 1600. They are large enough to see most detail, but are usually still well under 1MB in size.

Here are 4 websites that will resize your images for free (easy to do): If you're one of those who wants to do it on your computer without a 3rd party, here's how to do that on Windows 10: ... n-windows/

If you are deliberately posting something that merits a LOT of detail, you have other totally free options for your pictures like putting them in Flickr and then just linking to them in your post.

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