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Re: Emergency antibiotics supply

Posted: June 30th, 2023, 9:41 am
by Abbey
one concern I have is shelf life. I bought some supplies years ago, but didn't refresh them as often as I should. Some pills last a long time if stored in cool/dry locations but others don't. And ointments or bandages with adhesives really don't last long. I always think I'm going to remember to replace things before I need them, but life goes on and before you know it, the stuff in your stash is years out of date. I've had a couple (luckily not emergency) scenarios where I went to use my supplies & found out they were past their prime.

I'm curious if anyone has a good system for staying on top of re-supplies?

Re: Emergency antibiotics supply

Posted: July 1st, 2023, 7:41 pm
by pneuby
Nearly every time I am about to catch a cold, it will begin with that tickle in my throat that indicates a sore-throat is coming-on. IF I catch onto it withing a few hours, and don't forget....this concoction will nearly always bring it to a halt. IF I go too long (like i am on a road-trip), then consuming it will lesson the severity of the symptons and days I am ill. Basically,

Quart of chicken broth
Chopped whole medium onion
Chopped whole head of garlic
(6-8 cloves on avg)
Chopped spring of ginger root
(about the size a small chicken leg)
They have to be fresh.

Bring to a simmer for at least 20mins,
then strain it off. Then, put the veggie
matter onto a cutting board, and chop
it down finer now that it's tender. Put it
back into the pot, and add water
or green tea to brew it again.

I try to drink the broth all before bed.
Then, I follow up with the watered down
remains in the morning. I've been told to
add some fresh tumeric and/or cayenne to
this also, if you can stomach it. BOth of those
are also highly cleansing.

Re: Emergency antibiotics supply

Posted: July 28th, 2023, 12:43 pm
by xerts1191
This may be of interest for prepping